
How do I order a commissioned painting? 

Let me know what you are looking for in terms of canvas size, color palette and style. To help me further you can share a few paintings of mine that you like the most. Please note that I will never create an exact copy of an existing painting as each piece should be truly custom and unique.Also kindly note that if I don’t have the canvas size that you have requested in stock, I must order it, which can take up to 2 weeks.

I send you photos of the painting once it’s near completion.

You provide feedback (e.g more of this particular color,less of this texture)

 I make whatever changes are required and send you photos once again.

Once you are happy with your artwork,you send the remaining balance due on your invoice.

Then it’s  packing and shipping time for me and you get to see your work in person soon!

How long does a commission take to complete?

This depends on my calendar at the time of the order, the suze of the commissioned piece and how many changes the commissioned artwork requires. While it varies on an individual basis, a painting generally takes between 2-6 weeks  to complete.

What if I am not happy with the final product?

I will try my best to make sure that what I create for you is what you had envisioned but it is also absolutely possible that you are not happy with the outcome. When this happens, 25% of the total invoice (50% of the initial deposit) can be used as site credit i.e to purchase any other painting available on